When you need to cancel class due to illness, personal reasons, or professional commitments, it is important to officially notify your students and the College Services Associate of the appropriate Academic School in a timely fashion. When you cancel, you may provide instructions for your students about make-up sessions and assignments due. When you return to campus, please contact your Academic Dean or College Services Associate with your class make-up plans.

How to cancel your class:

  • Go to the Employee section of MVCC's website.
  • Select the MyMV icon and log in using your Microsoft Outlook credentials.
  • Locate the Faculty card in MyMV and click on Class Cancellation.
  • Enter the information concerning the cancelled class/CRN.

Notice of your class cancellation will be posted on the MVCC website, on the electronic TV screens around campus, and on the Hawk Life App. Your School Dean and College Services Associate are also notified that your class is cancelled, and your absence is recorded.

If you need assistance, reach out to the appropriate College Services Associate.