No matter how convenient or flexible online education may be, taking a course online requires time. You might save commuting time in an online course, but you might also spend more time with technology concerns. Whether the time you spend on course-related work is more or less than you might experience in a traditional, classroom-based course, it is still time you need to reserve and manage carefully. When evaluating your online course options, consider how much time you have to dedicate to coursework every week during the semester, and estimate the time commitment the course will require.
A. Managing Time
Online learners often benefit from carefully structuring what time they have available. Identify what time of day or night you do your best work, and when you are able to access the Internet and your course materials. Set aside a certain time each day, or a few days during each week, to work on your course, and stick to this schedule. Be aware at the start of the course whether you are required to participate in activities at any specific times, and plan accordingly. If you are in a different time zone remember to plan accordingly for your course submissions.