Genesis Program Award Nomination Form

Each year the Genesis Group recognizes Central New York educators and programs who are making a difference in the quality of life in the Mohawk Valley region. Mohawk Valley Community College participates in this program, by nominating the MVCC teacher and staff member that received the previous year's award for Heart of Hearts and Pride of Pride respectively. Additionally, MVCC seeks nominations for programs that exemplify what is most outstanding about New York State's first community college.

The MVCC Employee Recognition Council will recieve nominations and forward recommendations to Cabinet for consideration.
Cabinet will approve final recommendations. The Executive Director of Organizational Culture and Wellness will forward final nominations to the Genesis Group for consideration.
Genesis will notify award winners and President's office.
The Genesis Awards Ceremony will be held in November (date TBA)
NOMINATE AN MVCC PROGRAM for recognition through the Genesis Celebration of Education Awards Program. Fill out the electronic nomination form linked to this page and the College will do the rest! 

The Program you are nominating should be of an exceptional professional quality that makes it stand out above and beyond other programs at MVCC. On the lines below, please describe why your nomination should be considered.

Please list name or names of person(s) making the nomination