Dual Credit for high school students

MVCC’s Dual Credit program is a community service offered to area high school students enabling them to earn advanced standing or college credit for college classes attended in their own high school. Students typically enroll in 100- to 200-level college courses taught by qualified high school teachers who have been preapproved by MVCC as adjunct instructors. Courses are identical to those offered on the MVCC campus. All schoolwork, however, is done in the high school setting, during the routine school day.

This program provides students with the opportunity to earn both college and high school credit for the same course. Dual Credit has become widely recognized as a unique way of enhancing the typical high school experience, offering motivated students a larger course selection, an alternative to AP courses, a manageable transition to college-level coursework, and a potential means of saving tuition dollars in the long run.

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Interested in learning more about our Dual Credit program? Contact us today!