Welcome to MVCC!

All of us in the Holistic Student Support Office are committed to supporting you as you embark upon your educational journey.

Starting college is a big step involving lots of questions, paperwork, and details. We have designed this Student Success Guide to answer those questions, help you organize the paperwork, and manage the details. We’re excited that you have decided to join us here and anticipate that this Guide will aid in your smooth transition to life at MVCC.

We hope that you will use this Guide, along with the staff and several other resources available for you, to make the most of your first semester. Being an MVCC Hawk can be a great way to learn more about yourself, your fellow students and community, and your future career!

Please stop in if we can help in any way as you adjust to your new role as a college student. You can find us in Payne Hall room 104B on the Utica Campus and in Plumley Complex room 102 on the Rome Campus.

- The Holistic Student Support Team

Welcome Messages from Student Support Advisors

Helpful Links

Goals and Tips

Knowing career goals first can help you select the right major and classes, plan extracurricular activities (joining a student club or job shadowing), and stay motivated throughout your time in school.

Think about these questions:

  • What do you know about this career? What education and skills will you need? Are there jobs available?
  • What salary can you expect to earn?
  • Is it a good fit for you? Does it match your interests, skills, personality, and values?
  • What major will help you get to this career?

Finding the right major will follow finding the right career. If you wanted to remodel your house yourself, you would first look at the projects you would need to complete and then learn the necessary skills. If you select the skill you want to learn first, you may end up learning how to build a porch when you actually need to update some plumbing. Choosing a major and career can be similar in that having a career goal first can help you make sure the major you choose helps you get there.

Tips for success

How to make a successful transition to college

  • Take control of your own education. Think of yourself as an independent learner.
  • Understand the level of commitment you show in your work and behavior in class matters.
  • Get to know your professors, faculty advisor, and your Student Support Advisor (SSA). They can all assist you in your journey here.
  • Be assertive. Ask for help when you need it.
  • Take control of your time. Plan ahead to satisfy academic obligations and be realistic about your other responsibilities (family, work, student activities).
  • Have a system to record important deadlines and test dates from your syllabi. This could be on your phone or in a planner.
  • Make thoughtful decisions; discuss course choices with your SSA or faculty advisor. Don’t drop any course too quickly as it could impact your ability to move forward.
  • Think beyond the moment. Set goals for the semester, the year, your college experience as a whole, and work career.
  • Ensure that you have a group of individuals/family/friends who support you in your educational goals.
  • Get involved on campus. Participate in clubs and campus activities. Meet new people and experience new things!
  • Stay connected to campus. Check your student email regularly and update your contact information when necessary.

Treat college like it’s your job!

  • Professors are like your supervisors.
  • Group work and collaboration with others is expected.
  • Your grades are like performance reviews or feedback from your supervisor. It’s important to know where you stand.
  • There are policies and procedures you are expected to know and follow. You can find them in the Student Handbook online: mvcc.edu/student-handbook.
  • Although absences may be excused, you are required to communicate them to your professors and you are still expected to complete your work. 

Student Support Advisors (SSAs)

  • Work with all new incoming students in explaining placement scores, scheduling initial classes, and discussing goals.
  • Help students change their major, work with students in academic difficulty, assist with registration problems (like prerequisite errors), help with decisions about schedule changes, and provide general information about college policies and procedures.
  • Provide assistance with the transfer process, including school exploration, appropriate timelines, and application completion.

Faculty Advisors

  • Are faculty members in a particular major with specialized knowledge about that program and career path.
  • Help students select classes, electives, and internships, and provide guidance about academic success, transfer opportunities, and employment options.
  • Are assigned to each student based on their major. Students are notified of their advisor with an email at the start of their first semester (or when they change their major).